Exam Guidance

  • The Candidates are Enrolled solely for the purpose of technical knowledge update under the name of internship program.
  • For the commited service of securing indivudual persons data we are approving the exam to be conducted through a Third Party Application.
  • Examination User ID and Passwords are shared to the candidate through Email.
  • Login Credentials are not the same for E-Kalya & Examination Portal.
  • In case, Candidates are facing any Login difficulties. Please contact our Admin Team with the following details (Name, Email-id, Mobile NO, Examination User ID).
  • Examination Login Credentials are valid only during the scheduled time of examination.
  • Results will be published through any form of digital media like Email or SMS or in our E-Kalya portal.
  • The proceeding evaluation results will be considered only for the committed internship requirements and not for any kind of job offer.
  • The selection procedure, results, shortlisting, call for like every action taken further is completely done by the norms of the company.

* Keep ready your exam login credentials

[ For more Details or Information you can contact our Admin Team at
+91 9884998612. ]